NFC-Driven 2.13-Inch E-Ink Display Development Kit, NFC-D1-213
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Top-Rated NFC Development Kit: 2.13-Inch E-Ink Display for Innovative Projects

    The NFC-D1-213 e-ink display NFC driver board utilizes NFC communication and power harvesting technology. Additionally, this e-ink display NFC driver board is equipped with a mobile app. Users can directly update the current display image on their phones through this app. This design simplifies the updating process, eliminating the need for modeling operations; users only need to import the desired images into the software. Through NFC communication and the mobile app, users can achieve real-time updates of the content on the e-ink display, which is particularly useful for applications requiring frequent content changes or real-time information updates. This communication method makes operation more convenient, requiring no specialized skills, allowing even ordinary users to easily update and control display content.  

Note: Not all NFC-enabled phones can drive the display; real-world testing is required.


Special Features

    Our product boasts distinctive features that set it apart from the competition    
      ●  NFC Communication and Power Harvesting
    - NFC-Driven Operation: Unlike many EPD kits that require a wired connection or a battery, the NFC-D1-213 operates using NFC communication and power harvesting technology. This eliminates the need for a dedicated power source, simplifying the setup and reducing maintenance.
    - Battery-Free: The ability to harvest power from NFC-enabled devices means that the display can operate without batteries, enhancing its sustainability and reducing the need for frequent power source replacements.

  ●  Mobile App Integration
    - Direct Updates via Smartphone: Users can update the display content directly from their NFC-enabled smartphones using a dedicated mobile app. This streamlines the process, making it easy to change the display content without needing a computer or specialized software.
    - User-Friendly Interface: The mobile app simplifies the update process, allowing users to import images in BMP, PNG, and JPG formats and update the display in real-time. This convenience is particularly beneficial for users who need to frequently change the display content.

  ●  Real-Time Updates
    - Frequent Content Changes: The NFC-D1-213 is ideal for applications that require frequent or real-time updates, such as electronic shelf labels, dynamic signage, or information boards. The ease of updating the display content in real-time via NFC communication ensures that the information is always current and accurate.

  ●  No Specialized Skills Required
    - Ease of Use: The kit is designed to be user-friendly, allowing even those with minimal technical expertise to update and control the display. This broadens the potential user base, making it accessible to hobbyists, educators, and professionals alike.

  ●  Versatility in Applications
    - Wide Range of Uses: The kit can be used in various applications including retail (electronic shelf labels), logistics (smart tags), healthcare (patient information displays), and more. Its versatility makes it suitable for diverse use cases where dynamic and easily updatable displays are required.

   Image Format Compatibility
    - Multiple Image Formats: The kit supports multiple image formats (BMP, PNG, JPG), providing flexibility in the type of content that can be displayed. This compatibility ensures that users can work with the most common image formats without needing to convert files.

  ●  Competitive Edge Over Traditional EPD Kits
    - Integrated NFC Features: Traditional EPD kits often lack integrated NFC features, requiring additional modules and complex setups. The NFC-D1-213’s built-in NFC capabilities offer a more integrated and streamlined solution.


Compatible 2.13 inch E-INK
Click image to buy
a. Fast Refresh 1.5s 2.13 inch 250x122 Raspberry Pi EPD supports Electronic Epaper price tag, GDEY0213B74
b. 2.13 inch color E Ink 250x122 HD e-paper display partial update, GDEY0213Z98


Product Specifications

    Please refer to the product specifications for more details    
SUITABLE SIZE 2.13 inch OUTSIDE DIMENSION 59.2x29.2x1.0mm
POWER INPUT NFC power supply DISPLAY COLOR Black,White/Black,White,Red

Provide driving voltage for e-paper;

Provide interface for e-paper and motherboard;

Help users operate e-paper quickly.




NFC-D1 Software Installation


1.Download the Software: 

Scan the QR code below with your phone's browser to download and install the app.

2. Open the NFC-D1 Software:
Click the color mode button on the right. The default for black and white E-Ink screen is "2-COLOR" mode. For black/white/red E-Ink screen, switch to "3-COLOR" mode.


3. Select Screen Type:
Click the "Please Select" button on the top left. For black/white E-Ink screen, choose "GDEY0213B74". For black/white/red E-Ink screen, choose "GDEY0213Z98". A demo image will be displayed.   

GDEY0213B74 demo diagram         GDEY0213Z98 demo diagram



4. Update the Display:
Place your phone near the NFC driver board with the phone on top and the driver board below. When the phone displays the data transfer progress, the NFC connection is successful, and image data transfer begins. When "Data complete: 100%" appears, the transfer is complete.


5. Complete the Refresh:
Do not move the phone while the driver board completes the refresh operation. When "E-paper refresh complete" appears, the update is complete, and you can observe the display effect.


6. Custom Image Operation:
Click the camera button in the top right of the app to enter the custom image selection screen.   Choose an image from your phone. The app will switch to the screenshot screen where you can crop the image using the red rectangle. Double-tap to zoom in or out. Click the screenshot  button to return to the home preview screen. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to update the display.  




Related Information Download

Click on the subheadings below to download
  ● NFC-D1_SCH  





Thank you for your interest in our product. We could provide front light, touch screen, and other accessories for you. For more information, please refer to the relevant manual available in our Library or visit our official website at [].
If you need any further assistance or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. We sincerely invite you to send your inquiries to our email at

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